Thursday, March 12, 2015

A new blog with stuff I just make up as I go along.

It's 2015!  A new year!  Three months ago!  So I'm a little late to following through with life goals, or maybe not?  It's never too late, except when you die in which case, who cares?!  I started attending a creative writing class, so as promised, this blog will basically be my showcase to whatever I have written for the week, in class or out.

First up, an exercise in processing thoughts: when asked the question, "If you were anything in nature, what would you be and why?" I came up with something a bit outside the norm, or perhaps something essentially part of all the norm:

I am the atom, small and unassuming to the outside observer, a fundamental building block of all there is, was, and will be.  Packed with power and potential, without me there is nothing; I am infinitely important and infinitesimally insignificant.  Together with others of my ilk, we become a union of all life and matter, split from my basest structures, I release the rage of the sun.


  1. Thank you for your kind words, unless you're being sarcastic, in which case, thank you?
